Sharepoint Connector

Automate the publishing of drawings and documents

Combining collaboration and content management functionality

SharePoint Connector automates publishing drawings and documents, with associated meta-data, to a SharePoint Portal Server. It enables you to combine the collaboration and content management functionality of SharePoint with the Workflow-based Work In Progress document control functions of PDM Professional.

Although more and more organisations are implementing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server for the Collaboration and Content Management features it provides, the need for Work In Progress document management does not diminish.

2D and 3D CAD files in particular require a more CAD-centric approach to file management, with the final completed drawing being published to organisation portals such as SharePoint.

The D2M3 SharePoint connector bridges the gap between the Work In Progress document management – as provided by PDM Professional – and the collaboration facilities provided by SharePoint, by automating the upload information to a SharePoint Document Library from an PDM Professional Vault.

Targeted at any organisation wishing to combine the collaboration and content management functionality of SharePoint with the Workflow-based Work In Progress document control functions of PDM Professional.


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